<Prologue >
Letwen is the world where the story began.
The Ancient Truth's origin is here, so do most of the characters who are going to be introduced.
There are two main power in the land; Gandour-Skogt Federation and the Empire of Yang. They have different views in unifying the land thus causing frequent war and conflict. As the years passed, both of them each conquered half of the land, excluding Thuric Desert, the Windy Range and a few autonomous island. The war raged on for hundreds of years without any sign of stopping. As resources and food slowly became scarce in some lands, civilians start to voice out their discontent. The once obscure Cult of the Ancient Truth grows strong and became an existence to be feared. They hide themselves well.
The Struggle, Year 204
When the Gandour-Skogt Federation a.k.a. GSF started to dominate half of Letwen, it had a big impact towards the noble families of Hera in the Empire of Yang.
Most are fighting to gain the King, Lord Covral's favor and to get a chance to be the next ruler since Covral had no rightful heir. Even though Lord Covral tried his best to prevent this happening, it was no use unless he decided to use the death punishment which he did not.
Hence, a power struggle between the nobilities began.
However, there are also a few of the families that did not want to be involved in this. They chose to keep a low profile and show no signs of desire to get the throne.
They were the HanYi family and the Sakezan family.
Both were within the top three most powerful Hera families at that time and they are loyal to Lord Covral.
The mother of our main characters, Guapaillo and Orius, are descendants of HanYi family and their father from Sakezan family.

When Orius was born, his eyes terrified everyone in the family, and they quickly used a cloth to cover it up despite his mother and father's effort to stop them. No one dared to say how his eyes looks like, they just kept their distance with Orius. He was born with a pair of eyes that was said to be cursed with the mixture of power from the HanYi and Sakezan family. His eyes can see through buildings and concrete, and everything that are miles away. When he was just a child, he can see nothing because of the cloth. And he only listen to voices and sounds around him. That was the reason why his hearing is extremely good. Around the age of 4, his eyes' power began to rise, he can see through the cloth covering up his eyes and look at his surrounding like a normal person would do, or even better. His father knew about this and started to bring him out to teach him all about bow and arrows and ways to control his eye's power.
This is also the year when his younger brother, Guapaillo came to this world.
Orius was particularly happy and excited to see his newborn younger brother and had made a promise to protect him secretly in his little heart.
As Orius grew, the family members were not as scared as they did last time because they know that he can control the power of his eyes. Therefore, Orius can remove the cloth, but he must keep a very long fringe to cover his eyes. More relatives started to invite Orius out for hunting competition and normal social events. Orius likes to bring Guapaillo out with him to hunt, because they can get free food whenever he win, which he always did.

Everyone expected Guapaillo will be born with a pair of cursed eyes like his elder brother Orius. When they were all prepared to cover his eyes, Guapaillo came out looking pretty normal. Most of them were relieved, but some still believed that the aura around him felt a bit abnormal. And so, Guapaillo lived three peaceful years until his elder brother started to bring him out to play everyday. Yes, it was not long later that they found out about Guapaillo's power, the Dark Particles. Guapaillo's parents were quite worried about this as the Dark Particles is an offensive power. Normal eyes can sometimes see it, but rarely. The Dark Particles looks like black dust surrounding Guapaillo, and will change its form into solid or liquid or even gas according to Guapaillo's will. His parents also found out that Guapaillo never smiles since the day he was born. Maybe it was something to do with the power that altered his personality and took away some of his emotions. Therefore, Guapaillo was suddenly turned into another 'cursed' child. While his father concentrate most to teach him how to use his power wisely, his elder brother Orius kept wanting him to demonstrate his powers. Of course occasionally some accident injured him, but Guapaillo always stop before things get worse. At the age of 6, with Orius's and his father's guidance, Guapaillo's Dark Particles stabilized. Like what happened to Orius, the other relatives opened up to Guapaillo, and likes to cuddle him just to see him smile (but of course, he never did smile until now).
<Chapter 1> Falling Apart
Year 205, Guapaillo 10 years old, Orius 13 years old. Day of Reunion.
[Go, before the two cursed ones get back.] The head of the Pentja family, the other of the top three families commanded to the six killers in front of him.
The protection of Covral to the two families finally fall apart when he left to negotiate with the GSF few days ago.
With that, few of the noble families sent out their best killers along with the power from Pentja family to eliminate the Sakezan and HanYi family.
[This day has finally come, that two real eyesore will be erased!] and he laughed. [Fools, thinking they will be safe forever!]
Indeed, the Sakezan and HanYi family were wrong. The more they do not get themselves involved, the more favor they gain from Lord Covral. Hence, hatred focused on them from the other families.
Everything will end today, with Pentja family getting the throne.
Orius went hunting with Guapaillo for the Reunion day's dinner. Today is a day when every family members will sit down and eat, chat and laugh together. The brothers were honorably chosen to hunt food for dinner. Orius and Guapaillo were excited and left the house to the woods, which was a mile away.
Half an hour after they reached the woods, Orius caught sight of six suspicious looking strangers approaching their home's direction. He scanned the area and checked on the unusual activity far north. When he saw a few relatives' corpse hidden in a corner. He knew exactly what will happen and quickly turned around. [We must go home now!]
[...?] Guapaillo kept his bow and ran quickly following behind Orius.
[They finally took action, we must hurry back.]
[...Where is brother Yun?]
[He was delayed by others on the way. We cannot wait for him.]
They rushed as fast as they could, but before they reached their house, Orius already knew what had happened inside, but he kept quiet and solemn. With the power from Pentja family combined with the other families, even though there were only six killers, they were extremely strong. His parents and other relatives were not able to defeat the enemie. If only they were there,things would be different...
[...?] Guapaillo gave Orius a questioning look when he stopped and turned his face away. Orius was trying not to look at the deformed corpse inside their house. They used acid. It was too late, everyone inside was killed. Even if they go in there the fact will never change. Orius felt guilty and grieved the death of his parents and every relatives inside. The killers left the house and separated into three groups. He assume two of the groups were looking for them. No time to waste for grieving, they must save themselves. They must leave! That was Orius's decision. [We must leave this place, now.] He said calmly, hiding his feelings.
[We are not saving Father and Mother?] Guapaillo was about to continue on but Orius hold his arms tightly.
[Follow what I say.] Orius said seriously.
[.....They were already dead, am I right?] Guapaillo asked slowly, even though he knew the answer.
They ran to the nearest town, Riera Town with four assassins following close behind.
At one hidden street, Orius told Guapaillo to hide in the cart full of hay and some wooden barrels.
[Stay in here, you will be safe if they didn't check properly.] Orius said.
Guapaillo kept quiet and just looking at him, he did not say a word anymore ever since he knew that everyone died. He was angry, he wanted to devour the killers, but he can't find words to describe what he want to do.
[Please.] Orius felt pain in his heart when he saw his little brother like that.
Guapaillo nodded lightly and went on the cart. He abandoned the thought of killing, because he knew Orius will do it.
Orius smiled and said, [I will be back.] then he left.
Guapaillo laid flat on the cart and covered himself in hay.
Orius dashed towards the entrance of the town, and indeed saw a pair of them searching around. Their mutated body were enough to get those family involved into death sentence. Eh, that's none of his business anymore. Orius approached them with a smile.
[Good evening, were you looking for something? Maybe I can help.]
Orius took out a pair of black short knife from the back pocket and the carnage began with his eerie smile...
Orius tore through his enemies and stomped on their chest without mercy after their body parts were broken into pieces. Squashed brains were the strange color of purple. He wondered for a moment what kind of experiment was being conduct. Even though he was injured in the process, he never cared because his utmost priority is to keep his brother safe from them.
When everything was over, he kept his knife. After he was sure that the enemies were dead, he raised his head and laughed. It wasn't a laugh of happiness, but of madness.
[Two more. I'll find you.]
He concentrate on his surrounding and found them walking towards Guapaillo's hiding spot. Anger filled his head as he rushed to rescue his brother.
Guapaillo heard the sound of light footsteps on the brick road. He did not move at all, but thought of jumping out and bring them to their deaths. He materialized a pair of pitch black daggers in his hands. When the two enemy went pass the cart, one of them turned around near the cart to double check. Guapaillo took the chance when the assassin's face is nearer and stabbed his eye.
The assassin cried in pain and reached towards him. The other one came and caught Guapaillo in the neck. Suddenly a hit in the back caused him to loosen his grip. Orius was standing behind him. They fought fiercely for a while, before the assassin slumped on the ground, lifeless. The other one was busy catching Guapaillo with one of his eyes blind, while Guapaillo sliced off his fingers. Orius finished him off with a quick slit on the throat and quickly pulled Guapaillo out from the collapsed body. They ran out of the town and never looked back.
<Chapter 2> Death
Year 206, Guapaillo 10 years old, Orius 13 years old.
It had been six days since their escape from Talon, the town near Heryn Capital. Numerous attempts of murder by the other families kept Guapaillo and Orius on their toes. They made their way east, where they plan to catch a boat to make their way to the autonomous island, Roa. They followed the Dragon River towards the town of Cathit but avoiding contact with anyone.
The brothers left with such a hurry that they did not bring anything with them that will aid them in their journey. Fortunately, they have their hunting bow and their skills. They were able to survive through hunting wild game. With their experience of butchering, gutting and skinning their dead prey, they did not suffer from hunger.
On the sixth night of their escape, they found a spot on the high ground overlooking the edge of the Cathit town and decided to stay there for the night.
Guapaillo started a small fire with animal fat as fuel and sustained it with dry wood they collected on their way while Orius went on a lookout. He made a black cover with his Dark Particles over the fire to block out the light. All they need is warmth. The light will attract unneeded attention. Guapaillo curled up in a ball and listened intently to his surrounding.
Orius patrolled the area, checking for traps, possible ambush and any incoming attacks. When he found none, he relaxed a little and headed to his brother.
[Looks like they are not pursuing us tonight.] Orius sat down beside Guapaillo and enjoyed the warmth from the fire. He sighed and rested his eyes. It had been physically and mentally draining to keep focusing on every little detail in a long span of time. [I am going to take a quick nap.] He said softly.
Guapaillo understood it is his time to stay alert. [Rest well, brother.] He set back upright, and gazed into the darkness. Under the moonlight, the trees hustled by the wind. He sensed something unusual.
Right before he materialized his dagger, his hand was caught and a cold sensation pressed against his neck. At the corner of his eyes, Orius was already wide awake and posed in a threatening way with both of his black short knife ready to strike.
[Shh shh, don't be scared.] A raspy low voice with a hint of insanity whispered into Guapaillo's ears.
It was a tall figure wearing black hooded robe. Its hand were bony, pale and thin, almost like a skeleton.
[You are the Wiseman's puppet, aren't you? Why are you doing this?] Orius approached cautiously. His worst fear has appeared. Wiseman is Lord Covral's appointed high magician. He possessed magic that Orius cannot foresee nor detect with his eyes.
[Oh, you know me well, don'tchu? I probably would have just killed your little brother here, if I wanted to.] The puppet let go of Guapaillo. [It is just for my own safety anyway, in case you just kill me without warning.] It grinned. [Wiseman gave me an order. It goes like this. "Based on the recent incident of the Zakezan and HanYi family, the two brothers, namely Orius Salazar and Guapaillo Salazar were charged with murder. Kill the elder brother first and take care of the other one. He is the dangerous one." Lord Yun pleaded to spare your lives when I was on my way here. I do not wish to go back empty handed. So, explain.]
Guapaillo stood beside Orius while Orius recount what happened. Both of them were still very cautious of the puppet.
[I see, there were some strange assassins you say?] The puppet carved down some words on its skin with a sharp pen. [This is worth investigating. However, that does not prove that you are innocent, nor do I have the power to defy my master's will.] It kept the pen fluidly into a hidden pocket under its sleeves.
In a blink of an eye, Orius found a sword jutted out from his chest. The puppet was so quick, he had no time to respond. Guapaillo was shocked but recovered instantly. He attempted to stab the puppet but with no avail. The puppet backed away with a smirk on its face. It tried to assault Orius again to give him a dying blow but Guapaillo protected him with a dark shield. Orius tried to pull the sword that pierced through his body. Unfortunately, his feet gave away and he fell sideways to the ground. Breathing became increasingly difficult every passing second. [Run, now.] With all his focus, he managed to say these two steady words. The puppet's order is to kill him first, if Guapaillo can take the time to get away, he might be saved...even if he doubted so.
Guapaillo ran towards Orius instead and shielded him tighter than before. [I'm not leaving you, brother.]
The puppet stared at them with a menacing white left eye. [I can take my time to wait 'til he dies of blood loss. Come on, chat with me.] It appeared right beside Guapaillo with no effort. [I am far superior to you little kids. Killing you is easy.]
With his best effort, Orius kept his eyes open for any other possible attacks. An enormous pain gushed through his body and he can't help but groaned. Any movement he made moves the sword and it caused extreme pain to him as he slowly sit up. It was a bad idea, but he need to get rid of the puppet or secure their safety.
Guapaillo saw Orius' movement. They met each other's eyes and nodded in agreement. The puppet was watching them and was perplexed. [I wonder, what are you planning to do?] It is prepared for any surprise attack. Instead, Guapaillo created a thick black mist around and block the puppet's view with a black shield in front of its face. [Why you..!]
The brothers escaped into the woods with the thick black mist surrounding the area. The puppet followed the sound of their footsteps and was closing in. Guapaillo lifted Orius with all his strenght when he passed out briefly. With amazing will to survive, Orius regain consciousness a few moments later. [Brother, hang in there!] Guapaillo whispered. Orius was unable to reply. He was gasping for air. It seemed he had a collapsed lung. Blood soaked the stabbed area of his chest and spread rapidly.
[It's impossible to save him. There are no one in this area to help you.] The puppet said loudly from behind them. [I cannot see you, but I can hear your swallowing breath! Give up and let's be done with this.]
Guapaillo continued to run forward as fast as he could with Orius in his arms. The puppet nearly caught him a few times but he fooled it with a proxy formed in the dark mist. Tears clouded his eyes while he forced his arms to support his dying brother's weight. After a while, he no longer heard Orius' short breathing.
When he looked down, Orius' face was still.
He felt his body turned cold at the sight of it. [Brother?]
<Chapter 3> Reason to Smile
[No.. No... You are strong, brother, don't leave me!] Guapaillo cried while trying his best to run away from the puppet with Orius's lifeless body on his arms.
Suddenly, there was a bright flash of light in front of him and he bumped into something.
[Ops, sorry. I can't control the jump. But I guess you won't understand anyway. Ah, why is it so dark here?] A charismatic voice said. Guapaillo raised his head and saw a man in strange white attire and two monocles (it's actually glasses, but that doesn't exist yet.)
The man's sudden appearance confused Guapaillo. He just stood in front of him, tears flowing down his cheeks. With a puzzled look, the man examined both of them with his sharp eyes. [Oh...you have my condolence, child.]
The puppet caught up. [Who..are you?] He was very sure no one was around this area. There is something strange about this man, he must be on guard. Guapaillo glared at the puppet but did not change the form of his Dark Particles. He continued creating the black mist.
The man glanced at the puppet and back to Guapaillo. [My name is not to be told. You can call me whatever you like.] He answered, then asked Guapaillo. [Are you being bullied, child?]
When Guapaillo continued to walk pass the man and started to run away, the puppet was blocked by an invisible wall. [This is none of your business, strange man.]
[It really isn't, and it is not up to me. The temporary force field created by my jump here is blocking you. I cannot control it.] The man said.
[Then I suppose to remove it I should remove you.]
The man shrugged. [I'm not responsible for my disappearance though. Time is inconsistent.] And secretly, he was hoping he could buy some time for the sad child.
That was the last time Guapaillo saw the strange man.
Guapaillo reached a cave and hid in there. The sky slowly lighten, it is dawn. He sat down to catch his breath. Looking at the cold body, he can't help but teared up again. [What can I do? What can I do?] He swept Orius's fringe away and looked at the closed eye lids. The eyes that everyone was afraid of, will no longer be opened...
He must revive his brother.
The Dark Particles surrounded Orius. An ominous black snake sank on the ground and made a circle, biting its own tail, the Ouroboros. The dark power seeps into Orius's injury, dispelling the sword and sealed off the wound while repairing his internal organs. As the healing or mending effect goes on, Guapaillo felt he slowly forgets; his memories flowing out from him. All the years he spent with his family and everyone faded. He was afraid to loose his mind, but when he saw some life returning to his brother, he continued on.
The face of his beloved mother and father, the hunting times with his uncles, the warmth of his brother's cuddle...... He forgot them all.
Orius gasped for air. It felt like he slept for a long time. He checked his sword stab. Gone, it is gone!
Was it all a dream? He looked around and found himself inside a cave.
Wait. He saw a silver broken blade at the far side of the woods. It did happened. Where is Guapaillo? He got on his feet and ran out of the cave into the woods, his eyes showed him Guapaillo's location.
When he got there, Guapaillo was sitting on a rock, gazing at the head of the puppet.
[Guapaillo.] Orius rested his hand on Guapaillo's shoulder.
Guapaillo turned around slowly. [You are awake, brother.] His face as expressionless as ever, but this time Orius sensed no emotion. Something is wrong.
[What happened here?] Orius asked, nodded at the puppet's severed head. It looked very strange. The severed part of the neck was a completely straight line, a perfect cut. The bones were not even broken and blood did not flow out. It looked like the head was frozed in time.
[I don't know.] Guapaillo replied shortly. He looked as if puzzled. [It was there when I got here.]
[Oh... And, how... did I survive?] Orius asked again, he thought he was prepared for the answer, but he did not foresee the inevitable change.
[I revived you, brother, with the Ouroboros. I can't remember what happened but I know you are my brother.]
The Ouroboros. It sacrificed Guapaillo's memories to revive him. He was suppose to be dead, but Guapaillo saved him. What is left of Guapaillo were only his blood relationship with him as brothers. Since their family died. He can only remember Orius alone.
Orius took a deep breath. He smiled at Guapaillo. [Thank you, Guapaillo. You did very well..] But he cannot stop his tears. [Thank you... you.. did very well...] The mixture of a smile and tears made him look crazy.
[Why are you crying, brother?]
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