The Pale Scout Lyric

This is the story of a pale scout.
Walking alone through darkest of jungle.
His pale eyes sees a ghastly girl smiling
and he follows her into the depths

Then he wakes up in a field clutching a pale stone
it has the shade of the earthly falling leaves
The delightful feeling of
strolling through familiar paths
and see the long lost lady he loved

She withers and turns into bones, oh
The grim reaper, he points his finger at the
pale and confused scout then leaves

Raising his sword he cut through his enemies front line
Just like a hero in the legends of the old times
That's what he wanted, but the dream is crushed into fine dust
He wavers

The faces of his parents are kind and loving
They attempt to poison him
but they choke to their death

The pale scout kneels down
He pleads to be free from the grim reaper's laughter

"Gevore, you had escaped death many times, it's making me sad.
Why don't you come, it is your time to surrender." The grim reaper says.
"Please let my loved ones go, they deserve to live on. I will yield."

Thus the pale scout gives himself up
and never returns

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