Happy Halloween!

The process behind making this video was intense. I am no video editing pro, or iMovie expert, so the process was prolonged.

I got the idea in the midnight of 27th before I sleep, and quickly got up from my bed to my laptop and PC. KAITO's always there waiting for me to give him something to sing, thank goodness for that.
I finished the song on 29th at 2am, took a nap, then got up before dawn and tried to draw but was unhappy with it so I went to DeviantArt to search for KAITO's recent fanart. I feel the need to collaborate with some artists.
I found hzeo's still picture of her Halloween KAITO model and thought it looks perfect for the song. (Look at this blog, she has amazing models http://nonbirimattari721.blog.fc2.com/)
Then I search for other artists who is using hzeo's model as well to make cool pose and atmosphere. I sent out all the notes to them individually and hope, with all my might, that they reply me before the end of 30th. It was a short notice but I've gotten their replies on 30th! I'm so grateful and thankful for their support and friendly attitude. And thus, I am able to insert their great artworks into this Halloween song of mine.

Then, the next part of headache, putting them together. I've started a little at the introduction using iMovie (since I have all my songs in my MacBook, might as well use it), the subtitles and syncing took me a while. Later, I received my best friend, CresAya's translation of the lyric.

Initially I have one of the Piapro artist's drawing, but when Lizzy (black-neko21.deviantart.com) posted up the one with a skeleton, that matches the lyric perfectly, so I replaced it.

iMovie crashed multiple times during the editing, and I was a little unsure if I could make it before 31st passes in Southeast Asia. Exporting the movie took me a few hours because there is an error so I exported a smaller/lower quality video. I didn't get this error usually for my songs but I think it's because I use so many artworks and transitions that the program can't take it. *shrugs*

Finally, at 1am  in the morning, I was able to upload it on Youtube. NND requires a smaller size and I got a video converter to compress for a smaller size.

Even during all this rushing and hustling, I really enjoyed the making of it. And the warm comfort that the artist community of Vocaloid are very supportive puts a smile on my face. Thank you very much!

Night at the Castle.


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