Learning Max


Something we learn more in detail this year. For this semester, we are to create an interactive piece of program with Max, with relation to music of course.
To challenge myself (technically untrained), I came up with an idea.

1. Real-time audio input through Max and playback final result.
2. Using "fiddle" to detect pitch and choosing a certain number to active a sound/note.
3. High frequencies will result in shorter length of notes
4. Low frequencies will result in longer length of notes
5. Interactive part will be when we make sound or noise which will be picked up by the microphone and then process under the above conditions.
6. Using a limiter or fadeout of loops on top of it to prevent producing a wall of sound.

I really like Rob's line, "Idea is everything." It inspires me to try to get this done within the time constrains.
Hopefully I can get some progress screenshot up, or posting a recorded performance of this. Since the program will produce music that is never the same every time, I am really looking forward to the final result.

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